Three students smiling at the camera

What are Inter/National Fellowships?

When we say “inter/national fellowships” we are referring to a set of merit-based, highly competitive opportunities that are available to college students and alumni and that mainly fund travel, graduate study or independent research abroad. The funding bodies are governments, individual philanthropists, and private organizations and the applicant pool is national (U.S.) or international in scope. The inter/national fellowships our office supports range from awards for study at UK universities to grants for traveling the globe for 12 months to recognition for excellence in STEM research and more.

You can see them all on this at-a-glance chart  and in the left-hand menu of this page. If you click on the Overviews in the menu, you'll learn about the fellowship opportunity. You can then go on to the following page to learn about the application itself and its process. 

Each funding body has a mission. Some aim to solve social problems, others to enhance mutual understanding between countries, and a few, to advance knowledge in particular fields. By awarding fellowships, these foundations seek to create a cohort of outstanding individuals who will fulfill the foundation's mission while achieving personal and educational goals. From their perspective, the fellowship is not so much a gift as it is an investment.

What fellowships can I apply for?

Expand the menus below to see what fellowships you qualify for by year. Fellowship foundations seek candidates with a variety of outstanding qualities. Learning what these are before the application is due will give you time to develop those qualities, so look ahead! 

Other Considerations

What makes an ideal candidate?

Most funding bodies seek candidates with high academic achievement (A- or higher), as well as notable extra-curricular involvement and accomplishment, including service and leadership. Some value originality, teaching experience, or a robust record of community engagement, paired with a good academic record. By reading the fellowship overview pages listed in the left-hand column, you can explore the fellowships that fit both your aspiration and qualifications.

What if I don't win?

Pursuing fellowships can be a rewarding next step in your education, training and personal development. When you apply, keep your eye on the prize, and put your heart into the process. Winning can open doors and give you an incomparable experience. Not winning can be greatly disappointing, but focus on the process and the reflection it involves, and you will “win” whether your application ends in the preliminary stage or goes the distance. You’ll get to know yourself, your goals, and your motivation better.

A student working in a quiet corner of a library in front of a large window

Keep track of applications deadlines!

Staying on track is half the battle in succeeding as a fellowships applicant! Be sure to review all deadlines when planning and going through the fellowship application process.

Have questions? Please contact us.

Christine Overstreet, Director of Fellowships
212 Converse Hall


Physical address: 100 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002

Mailing Address: AC #2214, PO Box 5000, Amherst, MA 01002