The American Presidency Today

March 1-2, 2012 at Amherst College

Perfectly timed to coincide with an election year, Amherst alumni, parents and friends returned to campus to discuss the current political climate with some of Amherst's distinguished professors including: Tom Dumm, William H. Hastie '25 Professor of Political Science; William Taubman, Bertrand Snell Professor of Political Science; Gordon Levin, Dwight Morrow Professor of History and Pavel Machala, professor of political science. The Honorable Thomas Davis III '71, former member of Congress 1995-2008 and director of Deloitte Services LP also joined the program and led a discussion on "The Nomination and Congressional/Presidential Deadlock." 

The President and Foreign Policy



N. Gordon Levin, Dwight Morrow Professor of History, and Pavel Machala, professor of political science.

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Welcome Remarks and Obama’s First Term

Tom Dumm, William H. Hastie ’25 Professor of Political Science
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The Nomination and Congressional/Presidential Deadlock
Congressman Tom Davis ’71 (R, Virginia) retired.
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