Amherst College is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment based upon sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, and the Civil Rights and Title IX Office plays a critical role in that process. We invite all members of the campus community to work with us to foster a culture of safety and respect at Amherst.

Learn More About Our Office

What do we do?

Discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct can have a significant impact on a person's well-being and college or employment experience. Our role is to receive, respond to, evaluate, and assess all reports with empathy and care using a people-first, care-grounded framework. Throughout our process, we maintain a commitment to upholding privacy and neutrality while empowering individuals to take agency in their own lives. We are here to support you during these difficult times by providing you with the tools, knowledge, and resources you need to make the best decisions for you.

Our Mission

CRTIX is dedicated to fostering a culture in which all individuals on campus feel safe, respected, and empowered. As a hub for support coordination and service provision, we strive to uphold the values of human dignity, respect, agency, and inclusion for all community members. Our vision is a campus where everyone is supported in their well-being, and where individual and community needs are met with equity, empathy, and shared learning.

More Information

A word baloon against a rock background


Understand the process of reporting an incident and who will guide you in that process.

The exterior of Converse Hall in the spring

Support Options

There are many sources of support for students and staff across campus and within the community.

A road stretchign into the distance with a sunset on the horizon


We can help you better understand the College's policies and federal guidelines.