Department chairs should check in with both the department mentor and mentee once a semester to ensure meetings are taking place and to see how the relationship is going. The goal is not to learn what is being discussed, but to offer an opportunity to hear any possible concerns or other feedback. If either the mentor or mentee requests a change, the chair should work to maintain the relationship if it doing so is feasible or make a change. Mentees should be told that they can reach out to the faculty equity and inclusion officer or to Associate Provost Pawan Dhingra if they feel more comfortable talking about their mentors. At the end of the mentee’s second year, the mentee should have the ability to switch mentors. The chair should check in with the mentee at that time and can seek assistance from Associate Provost Pawan Dhingra, if preferred.

Other Things Chairs Should Know

If a mentor goes on leave, the faculty member can continue to mentor (which is preferred) or a new mentor can be designated.

Department requests for continuing faculty positions should indicate who will likely serve as a mentor for the new faculty member.

One-year visiting faculty will not receive formal mentors unless they ask for a mentor and the department decides it can support this request. Chairs should check in with visiting faculty as prescribed in department handbooks.

Helpful links
Welcoming new colleagues: a checklist for department chairs

A mentoring checklist for department chairs