Ad Hoc Faculty Advisory Group on Reaccreditation

Professors Gregory Call (Mathematics and Computer Science), Dean of the Faculty, ex officio; Rhonda Cobham-Sander (Black Studies and English), Special Assistant to the President for Diversity; Tekla Harms (Geology); Peter Lobdell (Theater and Dance); Rose Olver (Psychology and Women’s and Gender Studies); Stanley Rabinowitz (Russian); and Frederick (Rick) Griffiths (Classics and Women’s and Gender Studies), Associate Dean of the Faculty (secretary)

Reaccreditation Steering Committee

Professors Amrita Basu (Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies), Associate Dean of the Faculty (beginning in spring 2007); Gregory Call (Mathematics), Dean of the Faculty; and Frederick (Rick) Griffiths (Classics and Women’s and Gender Studies) Associate Dean of the Faculty; Shannon Gurek, Associate Treasurer and Director of the Budget; Gerald Mager, Registrar; Anthony Marx, President; Marian Matheson, Director of Institutional Research; Nancy Ratner, Assistant Dean of Admission and Researcher for Academic Projects; and Janet Tobin, Assistant Dean of the Faculty