Fall 2004


Founding Ideals and Current Threats
President Anthony W. Marx’s Convocation address.

Ruby in the Sky
Ruby Rowat ’93 may be the only professional trapeze artist among Amherst alumni. She has traveled the world, from China to Vancouver and back to Amherst, performing in circuses, casinos and a host of other venues, including the college's Holden Theater.
By Samuel Masinter ’04

Telling This With a Sigh
Robert Frost’s tongue could be as sharp as his mind, a quality that inspired Lewis Miller Jr. ’60 to change his major from physics to English. Now at the end of a teaching career, Miller looks back at the role the poet played in his life.
By Lewis Miller Jr. ’60

Green Bananas
Banana companies have long been notorious for clearing rainforests, poisoning rivers and exploiting local plantation workers. But journalist J. Gary Taylor ’57 says one of the worst offenders, Chiquita, has changed its ways and is setting new standards for corporate environmental responsibility.
By Charlene Dy ’03


College Row
New dorms—Faculty awards—The Class of 2008—Support for science—New college librarian and IR director—Summer programs—Common-reading program. Also: From the Folger and Verbatim.

Ashley Harmeling ’05.

Amherst Creates
A German metatravelogue—Rustic singing refined—Unreforming education. Also: Short Takes.

What They’re Reading
Assistant Professor of Geology Whitey Hagadorn.

Erôs and Insight—Scalia and incitement.

Johnson Chapel Associate
Mr. and Mrs. R. William Marberger Jr.


Annual Report of Gifts 2003-04