Spring 2004


Erôs and Insight
An inside look at a First-Year Seminar that is challenging common beliefs about the nature of education.
By Leanna James

Flight Unseen
Blaine Rawdon ’73 is designing a plane that would be the largest aircraft ever flown—a 6-million-pound behemoth with a cruising altitude of 20 feet.
By Mark Cherrington

Over There
For some students, the most powerful Amherst learning experience takes place off-campus.
By Sue Dickman ’89


College Row
Scalia and Romero — Professor Taubman’s Pulitzer — Beier Collection at the Mead — Professor Hagadorn’s microfossils — New names for new dorms — Emily Dickinson’s lost gate. Also: From the Folger and Verbatim.

A new coach for the women’s hockey team.
By Kevin Graber

Amherst Creates
Infinity — Spanglish. Also: Short Takes and What They Are Reading

Kennedy’s visit — Political bias at Amherst — Letter from Baghdad.

Johnson Chapel Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Schloss ’36