Johnson Chapel Associate Profile: Dr. and Mrs. Walter A. Schloss ’36

The first thing one notices when visiting the West Hartford home of Walt Schloss ’36 and his wife, Ruth, is a pair of skis leaning against the dining room wall, ready for duty. An active man all his life, Walt still travels north to enjoy this winter sport.

He has been equally active in his professional life. He went from Amherst to New York University Medical School, and conducted a private urology practice for 27 years. His idea of retirement was to take a job as medical director at the Stanley Works tool company, and then, at the age of 73, to become medical consultant for the city of Hartford. Nine years later, in 1996, Walt finally truly retired. As he puts it, “I had an obsession to be useful.” Along the way, he joined numerous professional associations and wrote many articles for medical journals.

Throughout the years, Walt always remembered Amherst, coming back to campus for Homecoming and most Reunions. He stays in touch with many contemporaries and currently serves as his class’s planned-gifts chair.

Thoughts on giving to Amherst: “Amherst was good to me, and I was proud to establish a charitable gift annuity a few years ago. I was confronted with a significant tax problem with some of my stock and felt that I could benefit Amherst and us by donating the stock to the college in return for a secure, steady flow of income. Such a gift truly has been a win-win situation: good for us, good for Amherst.”

The Johnson Chapel Associates society recognizes those alumni and friends who have named Amherst in their will and/or provided for the college through a planned gift. For more information, contact: Timothy A. Neale ’70, Director of Planned Gifts, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000, (413) 542-8256,,