The Office of Alumni and Parent Programs has announced a new Amherst Today program to be held on campus Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 2-4. Titled “From Private Storeroom to Public Gallery: Inside the Mead Art Museum,” the program will engage alumni in encounters with original works of art, many of which are ordinarily hidden in the Mead Art Museum’s storerooms.

The session will be led by three art historians from Amherst’s Fine Arts Department—Professors Nicola Courtright, Carol Clark and Samuel Morse—whose scholarship and teaching are in diverse fields (European Renaissance and Baroque, American, and Japanese, respectively). Each of these scholars has mounted major museum exhibitions. The Amherst Today program will offer small seminar classes, gallery study and direct contact with works in the William Green Teaching Gallery at the Mead, allowing participants to experience first-hand the intellectual excitement of close study of original paintings and works on paper. The participants will come together at the end of the program for discussion about the place of art and museums in our society.

For further information or to enroll in the program, go to the Amherst Today page or contact Bill Vickery ’57, (413) 542-2382 or