Completing RCR Training with CITI

Create Your Account

To register for CITI Program complete your training, you will be required to set up an account. 

  1. Go to the CITI Program to get started.
  2. From the home screen, select "Register".
  3. Choose: "Select your Organization Affiliation"
    1. Enter Amherst College as the participating institution
    2. Agree to terms and conditions
  4. Select "Create a CITI Program Account"
  5. Enter personal information and your Amherst College email address. If you do not have an Amherst College email address but you are affiliated with another institution, please use this email address, otherwise, enter a personal email address. 

  6. Create your username, password and security question.
  7. Complete the learner registration questions and finalize your registration.

Set Up Your Account

  1. Select "no" when asked if you are interested in receiving Continuing Education Unit credits.
  2. Select the department with which your research will be affiliated.
  3. Provide the name of your research advisor, if applicable.
  4. Enter your status and role.

Select Your Curriculum

If you are unsure about which curriculum to select, please confer with your research advisor.

Students: Unless assigned otherwise by your research advisor, most undergraduate students will only be required to complete the Undergraduate RCR Course specific to their area of research (Question 1). If you change your research field you may be required to take additional courses.  To complete only the basic training for your research area, you can select "no" for questions 2, 3 and 4, and leave questions 5 and 6 blank.

Others:  Everyone above the undergraduate level will be required to complete a Postbaccalaureate, Graduate Student, Postdoctoral & Faculty Courses specific to their area of research (Question 2), plus any additional courses that may be assigned. 

Conflict of Interest: All grant-funded PI's and PD's, regardless of discipline, must complete the Conflict of Interest Course prior to engaging in the grant funded research. PHS funded PIs must renew the training at least every four years.

Begin or Return to Your Course / Check Your Training Status

Once you submit your curriculum choice, you will be brought to the "View Courses" menu, from which you can begin your course, return to a course in progress, add a new course or add an affiliation with another institution, as needed.

You can return to this menu at any time by navigating through "My Courses" in the header menu of the home page, and selecting "View Courses".

After you complete the training with a passing score, you will receive a certificate of completion. You can print and/or login again at any time to access a certificate of completion. Your certificate will be  valid for 3 years.