You have received a Staff Shout-Out! Kudos, Thank You, Great Job! Amherst Appreciations

June 2024

  • Amherst College Health Center Staff
  • Fabio Ayala, Center for Restorative Practices
  • Andrew Baker, Amherst Fund
  • Yiru Chen, Dining Services - Culinary
  • Marion Cronin, Enterprise Applications
  • Stefanie Dorfman, Alumni and Constituent Engagement
  • Karlee Drumgool, Human Resources
  • Samuel Duffy, Mechanical
  • Michael Gavrity, Dining Services - Culinary
  • Beth Grubert, Advancement Operations
  • Shirley Moe, Health Services
  • Dave Moses, Dining Services - Culinary
  • Victoria Nardone, Mead Art Museum
  • Jessica Ortiz, Alumni and Constituent Engagement
  • Maryjane Placzek, Conferences and Special Events
  • Stephen Prajzner, Dining Services - Culinary
  • Heather Ruggeri, Art & The History of Art
  • Stella Santos, Student Engagement and Leadership
  • Kim Steffens, Dining Services - Culinary
  • Aifer Talibi, Alumni and Constituent Engagement

You have received a Staff Shout-Out! Kudos, Thank You, Great Job! Amherst Appreciations

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