First Generation Colleague Resource Group (CRG)

The first generation colleague resource group is a community of staff and faculty who identify with the first generation college experience, or individuals that would consider themselves advocates for students who are first generation and/or low-income. At the college, we identify first generation as any student/graduate who does/did not have a parent or guardian that has completed a four-year degree. There are many circumstances and complexities that could limit someone from receiving informed guidance from family about navigating higher education and we welcome nuanced ways of understanding what first generation means to everyone.

We aim to create opportunities to connect with others, and strengthen our community as faculty and staff, and also cultivate stronger relationships and networks of support for our first generation and/or low-income students on campus.

Have questions or want to get involved? Please e-mail Victoria Nardone, the First Generation CRG facilitator.

Event Schedule: First Gen Wednesdays

The First Gen Colleague Resource Group is excited to host First Gen Wednesdays, a series of drop-in events held on the first Wednesday of every month. Due to budget changes, First Gen Wednesdays will not happen in July or August, and will resume in September. Here is the Fall semester schedule:

  • Wednesday, September 4 will feature a drop-in event at the Mead Art Museum at a time that has yet to be determined. Have suggestions on what the snacks should be? E-mail Victoria!
  • Wednesday, October 2 will feature a drop-in event at the Mead Art Museum at a time that has yet to be determined. Have suggestions on what the snacks should be? E-mail Victoria!
  • Wednesday, November 6 will feature a drop-in event at the Mead Art Museum at a time that has yet to be determined. Have suggestions on what the snacks should be? E-mail Victoria!
  • Wednesday, December 4 will feature a drop-in event at the Mead Art Museum at a time that has yet to be determined. Have suggestions on what the snacks should be? E-mail Victoria!