John Buchman, State Victims' Rights Amendments: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis (2007) [Advisor: John Gordanier]
Thesis John Buchman '07 : State Victims' Rights Amendments

Loren Crary, Writing a Better Lending Law: A Panel Data Analysis of the Effect of State-Level Predatory Lending Laws on Mortgage Credit Markets in the Northwest Region of the United States (2007) [Advisor: Adam Honig]
Thesis Thesis

Raluca Crisan, Distribution of Teacher Quality in Romanian High Schools (2007) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin]

Jonathan Ettinger, Towards a Theoretical Understanding of Diabetes Management (2007) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Nathaniel Freese, Authorized Generics and the Pharmaceutical Patent Challenge Process (2007) [Advisor: Christopher Kingston]
Thesis Thesis

Penka Kovacheva, Current Account Imbalances: In the US Pulling Global Saving? (2007) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom]

Mattea Kramer, Human Capital Accumulation and the AIDS Epidemic in South Africa and Uganda (2007) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom]
Thesis Thesis

Stuart Landesberg, Why We Will (Sometimes) Not Sell What We Would Not Buy: Empirical Evidence of a Conditional Endowment Effect (2007) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat]
Thesis Thesis

Anoop Menon, Coming to Terms with One's Choices: Post-Decisional Cognitive Dissonance in Rational Choice (2007) [Advisor: Christopher Kingston]
Thesis Thesis

Plamen Nenov, Labor Market Consequences of Temporary and Permanent Employment Protection Legislation (2007) [Advisors: Sami Alpanda and John Gordanier]
Thesis Thesis

Timothy Shapiro, Testing for Tournaments in Large Corporate Law Firm (2007) [Advisor: John Gordanier]
Thesis Thesis

Kartikeya Subramanian, The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: New Settler Mortality Data (2007) [Advisor: Adam Honig]

Konrad Turski, Arab Economic Growth in Interwar Palestine (2007) [Advisors: Sami Alpanda and Daniel Barbezat]
Thesis Thesis