Pavel Chernyshov, Positive Financial Liberalization: A True Improvement or an Evaluation Illusion? (2004) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom]

Jonathan Edwards, The Use of Inflation Targeting in Latin American Countries (2004) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom] Thesis

Ezra Gordon, Spite or Envy? A Comparative Study of Fairness Models in the Ultimatum Game (2004) [Advisor: Christopher Kingston]

Jonathan Lhost, Incorporating Altruism into the Principal-Agent Framework (2004) [Advisor: Oliver Board]

William G. Roe III, The Sale of Produce in the Supermarket: A Microeconomic Modeling (2004) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff]

Ashley Simonsen, The Effects of Insurance Type on Doctors' Treatment Decisions for Depressed Patients (2004) [Advisor: Oliver Board]

Kelly Smith, Who Benefits From Early Decision? How Early Decision Policies Affect Resource Distribution and Students at Competitive Colleges (2004) [Advisor: George Perkins] Thesis

Christopher Yamaoka, Relationships between Economic Growth and Poverty in Developing Countries: The Importance of Migration (2004) [Advisor: Christopher Kingston] Thesis

Ryan Yeung, The New American Public School : Recent Immigrant Children and Peer Effects (2004) [Advisor: George Perkins] Thesis

Shawn Choi, Bias under the Priest-Klein Model: Accounting for Varying Adjudication and Plaintiff Win Rates (2003) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Stephen Collins, Contracts and Shirking in Major League Baseball (2003) [Advisors: Christopher Kingston and Frank Westhoff] Thesis

Alex Lenkoski, Encountering Endogeneity in Survival Time Models (2003) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Michael Petrino, Do State and Local Tax Rates Still Matter? (2003) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff]

Nathan Shike, A Micro-Economic Model of Fertility Behavior and Social Influence with an Empirical Analysis of Israeli Fertility Differentials (2003) [Advisor: Jessica Reyes]

Carson Taylor , Inflation Targeting and Transparency in Australia (2003) [Advisor: George Perkins]

Max Woolf, Recent Trends in Wage Inequality: An Analysis of the Nature of Wage Changes (2003) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin]

Bryan Bloom, The Lawyer as a Perfect Agent: The Key to an Efficient Tort System (2002) [Advisors: Walter Nicholson and Frank Westhoff]

Martin Keck, Analyst Reputation and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings (2002) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom]

Alexander Kelaiditis, Seller Revenue in Minimum Bid Auctions with Entry Costs (2002) [Advisor: Christopher Kingston]

James Patchett, Examining Stigma and Information Effects on Food Stamp Participation (2002) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Sanwaree Sethi, The Economics of Death: The Relationship Between Distribution and Health (2002) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat]

Monica Singh, Does the Family and Medical Leave Act Increase the Employment of Women with Young Children (2002) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin]

Yannis Stratakis, The Factors that Influence a Ship Operator's Registration Decision (2002) [Advisor: John Irons]

Daniel Cooper, The S&P 500 Effect: Evidence of Noise Trading and a Failure of Fundamental Value Efficiency in the Financial Markets (2001) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ] Thesis

Talia Dubovi, A New Methodology for Assessing the Impacts and Affordability of Disease Interventions: Cholera and Water Infrastructure (2001) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat ]

Ned B. Friend, The Economics of Standards-Based High School Reform: What High-Stakes Tests Do to Our Kids (2001) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Dana Ginsburg, Politics, Markets, and Instability: Searching for the Links between Asset Inequality and Growth (2001) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough]

Jonathan Halket, Reexamining Theoretical Models of Speculative Attacks on Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes (2001) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom]

Kristin Johnson, Misdirected HOPE: A Look at the Distributional Effects of Lottery-Funded Education in Georgia (2001) [Advisor: Lisa Takeyama]

Priyadarshani Joshi, Long Run Growth in Nepal : A Time Series Sensitivity Analysis Rethinking Robustness (2001) [Advisor: John Irons]

Adam Lessler, Investing in Judaism: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Jewish Religious Capital (2001) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ] Thesis

Jeffrey Luk, Physician Diagnostic-Related Groups: An Economic Analysis (2001) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough]

Andrew Plenge, Accounting for Ancillary Revenue Streams: The Optimal Level of Copyright Protection in the Music Industry (2001) [Advisor: Lisa Takeyama] 

Sarah Scheessele, Money Talks: A Careful Consideration of the Effect of Income of School Spending (2001) [Advisor: John Irons]

Eric Budish, English Auctions with Buy Prices: Irrationality on the Internet? (2000) [Advisor: Lisa Takeyama]

Rajashree Datta, The Political Economy of Development: Geographic Concentration of Industries in India (2000) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough ]

Erick Hung, Managed Care Organizations and Tort Liability: Theory and Evidence (1999) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Jacob Markman, Using School Movers to Estimate the Impact of School Quality and Peer Groups on Academic Achievement (1999) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin ]

Dmitri Rabinovich, Pricing of Internet Access and Bandwidth (1999) [Advisor: Robert Yarbrough] Thesis 

Christian Kaegi, Exploring Immigration with its Effect on Domestic Migration in the United Stated With a Discrete Choice Model (1998) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

Jordan Milev, Using Implicit Contracts to Model Layoffs and Short Hours during Recessions (1998) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Michael Oliver, The Case of Autos: Japanese Niche Strategies in the U.S. Auto Market, 1955-1990(1998) [Advisor: Robert Yarbrough]

Bryan Southergill, The Demographic Problem: Saving Social Security (1998) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough ]

David Bobruff, The Effects of Externalities and Restrictive League Rules: A Study of Professional Sports Leagues (1997) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

Amelia Bourdeau, The Effect of Stock Markets on the Growth Rate of Developing Economies (1997) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Mark Hrycay, Speculative Attacks on Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes: Theory and Application(1997) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

Anya Kirtley, Application of Neoclassical and Club Convergence Theories to the Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa , 1960-1990 (1997) [Advisor: Lisa Takeyama]

Jonah Rockoff, Have We Seen the End of Racial Wage Discrimination? (1997) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin ]

Maria Sharikova, Russia in Transition: The Role of Credit (1997) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

Sara Gubins, Congressional Voting on Immigration Legislation: An Analysis of the Passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (1996) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat ]

Samuel Lynch, The Impact of Athletic Success on Academic Performance at Division I Universities: An Examination of Graduation Tendencies (1996) [Advisor Lisa Takeyama ]

Chi Mac, Inflation Targeting in Canada and England (1996) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

Bartosz Mackowiak, Policy Credibility and Disinflation: The Case of Poland (1996) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

Dana Rapoport, Educational Attainment and Changing Structures of Families in the United States(1996) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin ]

Michael Rizzo , Are Private Schools Better Than Public Schools? Contributions to Quality in Private and Public Schools (1996) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

Jennifer Yan, Liberalization and Stabilization Policies in Taiwan's Economic Development (1996) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough]

Sarah Harrington, Rural Hospitals: An Application of Location Theory (1995) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson

Jennifer Kordell, Occupational Distribution and the Male-Female Wage Gap (1995) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin ]

David Lee, U.S.-Japan Trade Relationship: An Analysis of Managed Trade and Komiya-Ron (1995) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat ]

Christopher Mirick, The Decision to Litigate: A Model with Empirical Tests (1995) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

Laura Shen, Safety At What Cost? An Economic Analysis of Products Liability (1995) [Advisor: Lisa Takeyama ]

Benjamin Wells, The Effects of Environmental Regulations on U.S. Petroleum Production (1995) [Advisor: Ralph Beals ] Thesis

Michael Abramowicz, Central Bank Independence and Output Stabilization (1994) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom] Thesis

James Chin, Efficiency and Inefficiency in Emerging Securities Markets: Daily Return Correlations in Shanghai and Shenzhen (1994) [Advisor: Xiaonian Xu]

Andrew Gregson, Abnormal Performance Among Mutual Funds: A Study of Tax Adjusted Returns(1994) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Joshua Hamermesh, The Economics of Drug Policy (1994) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin ]

John Haskell, The Theory and Practice of Rural Banking in Bangladesh and Indonesia (1994) [Advisor: Ralph Beals ]

Anthony Kontoleon, European Airline Deregulation and its Impact on the Charter Industry (1994) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat ]

Ajay Murthy, Risk Premiums and Efficiency in the Futures Market for Lumber (1994) [Advisor: Xiaonian Xu]

Jonas Nilsson, Target Zone Credibility Revaluated: Kalman Filters and Regulated Brownian Motion  (1994) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

John Romley, Portfolio Choice and Risk Aversion (1994) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

Matthew Schad, Congressman, Contributors, and Constituents: A Study of PAC Influence on the Legislative Process (1994) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Geoffrey Swift, Central Bank Behavior and Inflation Expectations in a Forced Inflation Convergence Regime (1994) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat ]

Robert Tashjian, The Reserve System, Free Agency and the Salary Cap in the NFL and NBA: An Examination of Monopsonistic Exploitation (1994) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

Therdthai Thirasilpa, The Regulation of Cross Border Mergers in the EC: An Industrial Organization Perspective (1994) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough ]

Molly Wanner, Inflation in the Medical Market: An International Study (1994) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Matias Barenstein, Credit Card Holding and Use (1993) [Advisor: Xiaonian Xu]

Luke Belcastro, The Government's Indirect Tax: The Impact of Government Regulation on Pricing and Quality in Nonprofit Hospitals (1993) [Advisor: Daniel 

Stuart Davidoff, Noise Risk and Stock Market Efficiency (1993) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

L. Douglas Everhart, The Economic Effects of Regulation in the Cable Television Industry (1993) [Advisor: Ralph Beals ]

Timothy Ganschow, A Study of the Relationship among Quality, Productivity and Financial Performance within the Firm (1993) [Advisor: Ralph Beals ]

Matthew LeBaron, North American Free Trade Agreement (1993) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Cynthia Richmond, An Assessment of the Mandatory Bottle Deposit as an Economic Incentive in Pollution Control (1993) [Advisor: Xiaonian Xu]

Douglas Smink, Insurance, Technology, and Rising U.S. Health Expenditures (1993) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson]

Christopher Carter, The Effects of Free Agency Upon Player Development in Professional Baseball  (1992) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

Dipanjan Chatterjee, Crimes and Misdemeanors: A Study of Bureaucratic Corruption in Developing Countries (1992) [Advisor: Xiaonian Xu]

David Iaia, The Determinants of Demand for Child Care (1992) [Advisor: Debra Barbezat]

Jesse Leary, Effects of Imports on Labor in United Stated Manufacturing Industries (1992) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Henry Shin, Exchange Rates and Price competitiveness: A Case Study of South Korea and the United States, 1977-1989 (1992) [Advisor: Heinz Kohler]

Christopher Spofford, Modeling Modal Choices: An Economic Analysis of the Causes and Effects of Government Policy in the Market for Urban Mass Transportation (1992) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Joshua Williams, Job Quality in America : 1967-1990 (1992) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough ]

Jeffrey Bernstein, The Financing Arrangements of Japanese Corporations: A Competitive Advantage? (1991) [Advisor: Beth Yarbrough ]

Eugena Estes, The Determinants of Labor Supply in South India (1991) [Advisor: Debra Barbezat]

Matthew Gaghen, Antitakeover Charter Amendments: Direct Evidence of the Effect on shareholder Wealth (1991) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom ]

John Ganschow, External Equity Capital in Farmland: The Opportunity for a New Financial Market(1991) [Advisor: Heinz Kohler]

Avrum Heafitz, Antitrust Violations in Higher Education (1991) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

John Healy, Transforming a Socialist Economy: The Case of Hungary (1991) [Advisor: Heinz Kohler]

Robert Lutz, A General Equilibrium Model of a Tax on Corporate Capital (1991) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff ]

David Novak, The Implications of Excess Volatility in the Stock Market (1991) [Advisor: Thomas Palley]

Edward Park, Incorporating Collectibles into a Risk-Return Framework (1991) [Advisor: Walter Nicholson ]

Lara Shore , Estimating the Birth Weight Production Function: What are the Sources of Racial Differences? (1991) [Advisor: Debra Barbezat]

Daniel Woodward, Federal Spending During the New Deal (1991) [Advisor: Daniel Barbezat ]