Parsiri AudcharevorakulIs Services Outsourcing a Threat to Skilled Labor? How Information Technology Services Outsourcing Affects Skill Levels (2005) [Advisor: Sami Alpanda] Thesis

Matthew BotschInto the Great Wide Open, Or Why Institutions Matter in an Era of Globalized Finance (2005) [Advisor: Adam Honig] Thesis

Joseph CaissieModeling Marriage Using an Option Framework (2005) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom] Thesis

Melissa GinsbergThe Effects of Intellectual Property Protection on Growth in Transition Economies (2005) [Advisor: Adam Honig] Thesis

Gabriel MatteraGuilt by Association? Exploring the Effects of Business Association Activity on Economic Growth (2005) [Advisor: Sami Alpanda] Thesis

Douglas NortonMurder's Margin: Estimating the Impact of Health Care on the Lethality of Attacks (2005) [Advisor: Jessica Reyes] Thesis

Gifford SommerkampVoluntary Recognition of SFAS No. 123: Assumptions, Predictors and Plan Change(2005) [Advisor: Geoffrey Woglom] Thesis

Zachary Sugarman, An Investment of Co-worker and Consumer Discrimination: The Case of Major League Baseball. (2005) [Advisor: Frank Westhoff] ThesisThesis

Megan KahnDoes Pollution Affect School Absenteeism? (2005E) [Advisor: Steven Rivkin] 