Support for Publication Expenses
Open Access Publications Grants
Publication Subvention Grants
Translation Grants

Amherst College offers faculty a variety of grants in support of publication of their scholarly work. These
grants are provided by the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty and, in some cases, the
library. Tenure-line faculty, lecturers, and senior lecturers are eligible to receive these funds. In
advance of applying for such funds, faculty are expected to use their start-up or other college research
monies for these purposes. When college funding has been used, Amherst College must be
acknowledged in the publication.

Publication grants include the following:

Support for Publication Expenses
There are a variety of publication expenses for books and refereed manuscripts (e.g., page charges for
journals, off prints, submission fees, reproduction fees, costs for illustrations, graphs, tables, indexing,
etc.). If start-up or FRAP funds are unavailable to cover these expenses, faculty may request up to
$2,000 from the Office of the Provost and the Dean of the Faculty to cover such expenses; requests for
additional funding (e.g., for high-quality reproductions for art books) may be granted after consultation
with the provost’s office.

Open Access Publication Grants
The library will make up to $20,000 available each year from its materials budget to support open-access
publishing. Amherst College faculty publishing in peer-reviewed, open-access publications may request
up to $2,000 in assistance from the library to pay article processing charges (APC)s or book processing
charges (BPC)s. Any funds not allocated by April 30 will return to the library’s materials budget. Fees
charged by non-open-access journals/books to make individual articles/chapters freely available are not
eligible for this grant. Faculty with co-authors at other institutions that offer APC/BPC support should
coordinate funding requests across institutions to split costs when possible.

Publication Subvention Grants
It is an increasingly common practice among publishers to seek contributions from the author. If such an
instance arises, faculty should consult with the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty before
making commitments to publishers. Faculty should submit a copy of their publisher’s acceptance of the
manuscript and publication subvention request. The maximum grant awarded will be $5,000, and
normally at least three years must elapse before a recipient of a major publication subvention will be
eligible for another such award. The $5,000 allowance for subventions can be applied to edited volumes
when the lead or co-editor is a member of the Amherst faculty, or, in the case of conference
proceedings, if the lead conference organizer is a member of the Amherst faculty. No subvention
support is available in the case when involvement of Amherst faculty is limited to authoring one or more
papers in the volume. Publication subvention grants may also be applied to fees for open-access

Translation Grants
The college will offer up to $5,000 in funding towards translation costs for works published by Amherst
College faculty. The college expects that author’s royalties received from the translation (up to the
amount granted) will be turned over to the college.

Please contact Anthony Bishop, associate provost and dean of the faculty.