2016 Dean's Retreat Goals and Committee

The 2016 Dean's Retreat was part of a series of initiatives arising out of Amherst’s Strategic Plan to reaffirm our commitment to a transformative liberal arts education for an increasingly heterogeneous population, so that all our students can thrive and excel in our curriculum.

The Retreat had the following goals:

  • To spread awareness and insights around key issues of inclusivity in our curriculum, focusing on the experiences of our increasingly heterogenous population of students, the wide diversity of backgrounds and aptitudes on our campus, and the underlying cultural assumptions in our collective approaches to teaching and learning.

  • To share best practices and national research on successful inclusive pedagogical methods, including examples from Amherst faculty who are experimenting with and developing such methods with their students.

  • To generate specific, practical, and doable ideas for making teaching and learning at Amherst more inclusive, so that faculty and instructional staff are better equipped to welcome and teach a broader range of students.

By the end of the workshop, participants were expected to come away with at least one change they can introduce in their teaching for the 2016-2017 academic year. Participants will be connected with teaching and learning resources and staff for collaborative support on designing, implementing, and improving these changes over time.

The Retreat will also launch several follow-up opportunities throughout the following academic year, including workshops, study groups, programs, and cohorts.

For further information, please contact the Retreat organizing committee: