Research Tutorials in the Humanities and “Humanistic” Social Sciences

Research Tutorials, which are listed in the college catalog as colloquia, offer faculty and students the opportunity to collaborate on shared research projects or artistic productions. The enrollment for each tutorial is limited to six students.  Offered for sophomores and juniors, the courses present ongoing research and/or production engagement on a series of related topics in the faculty member’s area of expertise.  Students learn to frame a research question, develop research strategies, identify and use sources, and the like.  Students enrolled in these courses are guaranteed funding for at least six weeks of work during the summer following the academic year in which they take the course.  Faculty may offer these courses as an overload and will be paid $8,000 for doing so.  Alternatively, if offered as part of a faculty member’s regular course load, funding is offered to the department for a course replacement.  Faculty interested in offering a Research Tutorial in spring 2024 must be available to work with and supervise students in the summer following their course. They should submit a one-page proposal describing the course they would like to offer and the kind of research collaboration it would be designed to foster.  Proposals are due to the provost by November 1, 2022.