Mental health resources are available when you’re feeling down

Did you know 5% of the global adult population is experiencing depression? It’s a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities.

Depression isn’t a topic that a lot of people talk about so we want to emphasize that while we might not fully know what everyone is going through but we can support them in two ways.

First is by educating ourselves to reduce stigma. Second is utilizing mental health resources from our benefits partners such as Calm.

Check out the Calm resources below and take some small steps to educate yourself and support your own mental health journey. You must be logged into your Calm account to access them. Haven't activated your free Calm Premium subscription yet? Visit the Amherst College Calm Benefit information page for registration information. 

Rethinking Depression Masterclass

  • In this 7-part series with Dr. Stephen Ilardi, author of the Depression Cure, he uncovers the toxic elements of 21st-century living that are skyrocketing depression rates around the world. You’ll learn six science-backed strategies for overcoming these common pitfalls so you can start living a more vibrant and joyful life.


  • As part of the Relationship with Self Series, led by Tamara Levitt, this 10-minute session on distortions will help you strengthen your relationship with yourself through compassion. 

Limiting Identities

  • In this Daily Trip session led by Jeff Warren, he shares a guided meditation that also includes a visualization exercise that’ll help you be more compassionate towards who you are and what you’re capable of.

Important Note: If you require further assistance, please reach out to our EAP, New Directions, or your doctor for the appropriate medical resources and support. You can also tap into Calm’s depression resources here

Check out the Calm app for more options that suit your daily needs. 

Join one of the Calm App Webinars to learn how to get the most out of your Calm experience and bolster your overall well-being.