Pierluca Nardoni

Pierluca Nardoni is a specialist in the Cultural Heritage Graduate School at the University of Bologna. His research is mainly concentrated on the early 20th century avant-garde, particularly the Expressionist ferment in Italy and its relationship with contemporary movements in Europe. He carried out a study of Tuscan Primitivism (in A. Borgogelli, R. Bonzano, F. Cavallini, P. Nardoni, Aspetti del Primitivismo in Italia (Aspects of Primitivism in Italy), 2015) in relation to this. He published a contribution on Italian drawing between the Wars in relation to turn-of-the-century art, included in the catalogue of the exhibition Sguardi sul Novecento. Disegni di artisti italiani tra le due guerre (Gazes of the Twentieth Century. Italian Drawings from the Interwar Years) (edited by M. Faietti and G. Marini, 2016) and carried out interdisciplinary studies in view of the exhibition on the drawing and cinema of Sergei Eisenstein (Ejzenštejn: la rivoluzione delle immagini (Eisenstein: the revolution in images), catalogue and exhibition edited by M. Faietti, P. Nardoni and E. Schmidt, 2017). He is currently preparing an exhibition on the dynamics of Ornament which has always been a feature of the interaction of man between nature and culture (Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emilia, November 2019-March 2020). In addition, he has overseen several exhibitions on the Artist’s Book in his current work and the recent past.