FRAP Application

Submission Period
Grant Size
Human Subjects
IRB Approval
Use of Animals
IACUC Approval
Permission to Publish Description
At the Faculty Executive Committee's request, the Dean of the Faculty’s office publishes descriptions of funded projects on Amherst’s web site and may also be used by our Advancement Department to secure future grant support. Do you grant permission for Dean of the Faculty to publish this description?
It is understood and agreed by the applicant that the award may be revoked in whole or in part should the recipient's relationship with Amherst College cease to exist provided that such revocation shall not include any amounts obligated previous to the effective date of revocation. That the general terms and conditions of this proposal as stated in the application form, program guidelines and elsewhere have been read and accepted. That any funds granted as a result of this application are to be expended for the purpose outlined herein in accordance with Amherst College policies, and any funds not expended for this purpose shall revert to the Amherst College Research Award Program upon completion or termination of award, whichever is earlier. That any funds received from other sources for this or any related project will be reported to the Dean of the Faculty, and the award may be adjusted accordingly.
The budget justification should specify the reasons for the funds requested. Special circumstances should be fully described. 
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The reviewer list should include three "non-associates," individuals with whom the proposer has  not had previous substantive professional contact, and three "associates," individuals with whom the proposer has interacted professionally.

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