Location: Federal St, Greenfield, MA 01301

At Federal Street Cemetery, you will find the grave of Dexter Marsh. Unlike some other characters in the fascinating story in the discovery of dinosaur tracks in the Connecticut River Valley, Marsh was not a man of means or education. A simple town laborer, he noticed some “turkey tracks” one day when laying pavement in Greenfield in 1835. As he separated two slabs, he observed tracks on one side and a cast on the other (sediment, mud in this case, had filled the tracks and solidified in their shape). This actual slab is on display in the Beneski Museum of Natural History (as part of the Hitchcock Ichnology Collection, one of the largest collections of dinosaur tracks in the world)! 

In addition to continuing his manual work, Marsh became a prolific paleontologist and fossil salesman. He was a member of the elite scientific community, and his name was well known across America and even in Europe! He even built one of the first museums to exhibit dinosaur footprints in the country.

Dexter Marsh discovers dinosaur tracks in Greenfield
If you’re passing through Greenfield, make sure to drive along Bank Row, the site where Dexter Marsh discovered the tracks! Artist Monica Vachula recreates the scene above.