Digital Accessibility Events: Academic Year 2022-2023

Spring 2023 Assistive Technology Info Table | Spring 2023 Faculty Sharing Lunch | Fall 2022 Keynote Talk Information 

Spring 2023 Events

Digital Tools for Academic Productivity Info Table 

Date and time: Thursday, May 11, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 
Location: Valentine Dining Hall Entryway    

To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on Thursday, May 18, 2023 IT-ATS presented an info table at Val entryway on Thursday, May 11, 2023. The info table provided an opportunity to stop by to learn what digital tools for academic productivity and assistive technology are available.

GAAD, held on the third Thursday in May, and celebrated worldwide, is a day to raise awareness and understanding of digital access and inclusion. Accessibility removes barriers and unlocks the possible. Check out our Amherst College GAAD 2023 resource page to learn more.

Faculty Sharing Lunch: Inclusive Practices with Technology 
Faculty Panelists: Darryl Harper, Pat O'Hara, and Paul Schroeder Rodríguez

Date and time: Wednesday, March 22, 12:00 p.m. noon - 1 p.m. 
Location: Valentine Hall 1st floor Mullins-Faerber Room (next to Lewis-Sebring)

portrait photo of Professor Paul Schroeder Rodríguez


portrait photo of Professor Pat O'Hara


portrait photo of Professor Darryl Harper

Portrait photos of Professors Paul Schroeder Rodríguez, Pat O’Hara, and Darryl Harper.

Academic Technology Services facilitated a faculty sharing session featuring Professors Darryl Harper, Pat O’Hara, and Paul Schroeder Rodríguez. ATS has been gathering and highlighting examples of faculty members' inclusive practices with technology. Please see the Faculty Spotlight - Inclusive Practices with Technology section of the Academic Technology in Action website

We enjoyed a group discussion, as we learned together with and from our panelists, who shared their inclusive practices with technology and incorporation of the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into their teaching.  

Fall 2022 Events

Keynote Talk : Digital Accessibility - What can I do to contribute to an inclusive campus? 

Link to a captioned video recording of the talk, video transcript, and the Amherst College Highlights slideshow

Speaker: Dr. Cyndi Rowland

Date and time: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Location: Stirn Auditorium


Check back soon for upcoming workshops and events.