Interterm Workshops: January 2019

Mapping Geographic Data with ArcGIS

Jan 07–11 M–F, 9 AM – 12 N, Jan 14–15 M–T, 9 AM – 12 N

Facilitator: Andy Anderson

Description: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are a set of powerful tools to discover spatial relationships and illuminate your research with intuitive maps:

• Illustrate historic sites and extract features from old maps
• Spatially correlate census, economic, and other data
• Display geologic formations and delineate watersheds
• Track human, animal, and plant populations
• Map locations from a GPS receiver

You will learn about:

• Constructing and Sharing Maps (including with Google Earth)
• Mapping Named Data (including census data and street addresses)
• Mapping Coordinate Data (including using a GPS receiver)
• Mapping Image Data (including scanned maps and satellite data)
• Extracting Map Features (including geoprocessing and editing vector data)
• Analyzing Geographic Relationships (including geostatistics)

Prerequisites: This class is no cost and non-credit. Priority is given to the Amherst College community and then the Five College community through December 26, after which it is first-come, first served.

Register Here for GIS

Web Programming

Date and Time: Jan 14–18 M–F, 1 PM – 4 PM

Location: Webster 102

Facilitator: Andy Anderson


The World-Wide Web is a set of computer technologies that publish and display information over the Internet in a highly interactive manner. At the heart of the Web are several content and programming languages that will be covered in this example-based course:

• The Web content languages (HTML and CSS) that are the foundation of web pages
• The Web programming language (JavaScript) that makes web pages dynamic and interactive
• A document object library (jQuery) that makes it easier to manipulate your pages
• User-interface frameworks (Bootstrap and React) that provide pre-built components for your pages
• A Web server (Node.js + Express) that lets you store and search for your data
• A server-side database (MongoDB) to provide efficient access to your data

Please think about a project to which you’d like to apply your new understanding!

This course is non-credit and no charge.

Prerequisites: Priority is given to the Amherst College community and then the Five College community through December 26, after which it is first-come, first served.

Register Here for Web Programming

Where Do You Think You're From?

Date and Time: Jan 23–24 W–Th, 9 AM – 12 PM

Location: Webster 102

Facilitator: Andy Anderson


Do you know about your family’s origins beyond your parents and grandparents? The ancestors of most Americans are immigrants, arriving within the last 400 years and commonly within the last 150 years. In this course you’ll learn how to use census data, archival records and other sources to trace your genealogical past and determine when your family arrived and from where. You’ll also learn how to compile this information into a free software program and share it with others.

Recommended: during the holidays, talk to your parents and other relatives to gather as much name, date and location information as you can before coming to the workshop: relationships, births, marriages, deaths, migration, etc.

Prerequisites: Priority is given to the Amherst College community and then the Five College community through December 26, after which it is first-come, first served.

Register Here for "Where do you think you're from"

Intro to Adobe Illustrator

Date and Time: Thursday, January 10, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Location: Seeley Mudd 115

Facilitator: Asha Kinney

Description: This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to, or refresher on, using Adobe Illustrator to create graphics, logos, or illustrations. We will cover creating and manipulating lines and shapes, using color, adding text, importing designs from other sources, and saving/exporting your design for use on the web or in other applications.

Register Here for Illustrator

Intro to Adobe InDesign

Date and Time: Wednesday, January 16th, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Location: Seeley Mudd 115

Facilitator: Asha Kinney

Description: This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to, or refresher on, using Adobe InDesign to create single or multi-page documents such as flyers, posters, reports, newsletters, etc. We will cover creating shapes, working with text, adding color, placing in images, and packaging/exporting your document for local or professional printing.

Register Here for InDesign

Intro to Adobe Photoshop

Date and Time: Tuesday, January 8th, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Location: Seeley Mudd 115

Facilitator: Asha Kinney

Description: This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to, or refresher on, using Adobe Photoshop to edit or combine images. We will cover basic image touch-ups, finding the right resolution for web or print materials, re-touching, using layers to create composite images, adding text, and using filters and effects.

Prerequisites: None

Sponsor: Academic Technology Services

Register Here for Photoshop