Fall 2019 Digital Accessibility Workshops

Would you like to make sure your department’s website is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities? How about your documents, email messages, presentations and course materials?

You would? Great! Academic Technology Services is offering workshops in digital accessibility and we invite you to join us for a short, hands-on session. Learn simple strategies you can apply right away.

Come learn how to make your content accessible, and learn how accessible content makes life better for everybody!

Accessible Documents and Instructional Materials

Friday, November 8th 10 - 11 a.m.

Come learn the basics of what makes a document, reading, or email accessible to someone who uses text-to-speech or other assistive technology. We will practice creating accessible Word documents and PDF’s.

With Shivaji Kumar, IT Accessibility Specialist, and Asha Kinney, Academic Technology Specialist

Accessible Web and Media

Friday, November 1st 10 - 11 a.m. -or- November 15th 10 - 11 a.m. 

Learn the basic elements of web accessibility and how users of assistive technology access the web. We’ll show you some easy Drupal tips for creating more accessible pages on the Amherst website, and how to assess the accessibility of webpages or services. Attendees will also learn about how to provide accessible video and audio content, as well as social media posts. 

With Shivaji Kumar, IT Accessibility Specialist, and Asha Kinney, Academic Technology Specialist