Adaora, Gabriel, Sabrina

Submitted by Karen J. Sanchez-Eppler on Tuesday, 1/31/2012, at 12:08 PM

This is your space, use it in whatever ways  feel useful to you and your project.


Submitted by Sabrina D. Vu on Sunday, 5/6/2012, at 2:55 PM
Compiled sheet of 5-college resources and information about galleries in Northampton and Easthampton City Arts.


Submitted by Sabrina D. Vu on Sunday, 5/6/2012, at 2:54 PM
Compiled list of museums with information about the museums and programs/events for youth.


Submitted by Sabrina D. Vu on Sunday, 5/6/2012, at 2:53 PM
Compiled Sheet of 'best-of' check-ins, art shares, prompts/activities, work/focuses, and other notes for GirlsEyeView Amherst.


Submitted by Sabrina D. Vu on Sunday, 5/6/2012, at 2:52 PM
Compiled Sheet of 'best-of' check-ins, art shares, prompts/activities, work/focuses, and other notes for GirlsEyeView Ware.